Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Information / Featured

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Outside the Box

After a long career as a professional photographer, the newest volunteer teaching students’ skills, is vice-president of the Borrego Springs Art Guild, Tom Hogan. “I spend a lot of time in some very odd places.” states Hogan, who finds himself drawn to cemeteries and submi... — Updated 3/29/2017


Michael and Denny Go Shrimping

It was a “suggestion” by Borrego Sun publisher Patrick Meehan on January 25 during our weekly staff meeting: Denny DuVall and I should go out to Clark Dry Lake and locate brine shrimp that supposedly had emerged after the recent heavy and persistent rains. Then, editor Suz... — Updated 2/22/2017


Crescent Venus at Dusk

It was during the early years of the 17th century that the Italian astronomer Galileo turned his new optic tube skyward. Many people believe that Galileo invented the telescope, but this just isn't so. The optical tool most likely... — Updated 2/9/2017


A Stunning Celestial Sparkler

Every year around this time, I can expect my email inbox to overflow and my phone to begin ringing. Folks who spend time outdoors during early-evening hours in mid-January frequently notice a brilliantly sparkling diamond low in... — Updated 1/11/2017


Well, That's a Star of a Different Color!

I've been gazing skyward for more than five decades, and in that time I've learned a few things. One is that novice stargazers have some deeply ingrained misconceptions about the heavens. For example, many think that we cannot see... — Updated 1/6/2017


The First Meteor Shower of 2017

If you missed the Geminid meteor shower of mid-December (and most of us did because of bright moonlight), you've got another chance. Not with the Geminids, of course -- they won't return until next December -- but with the... — Updated 12/29/2016

 By Nancy Bye    Information

Nature Watch

Seven species of bees have been put on the endangered species list. According to Gary Haldeman, this means that strawberries, coffee and avocados could disappear. Gray wolves are now on that list, and read about the Horned Toad Lizard that Fish & Game voted on Dec. 8 in Suzanne Ho... — Updated 12/21/2016


Viewing the Moonlit Geminid Meteors

It's December, and with it comes colder temperatures throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere and the most prolific meteor shower of the year: the Geminid. Never heard of it? Well, that's not a huge surprise. If you ask beginning... — Updated 12/8/2016

 By Nancy Bye    Information

Nature Watch

Watching our weather is pretty interesting these days. Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday could not have been more lovely. Seventies, blue sky, calm. This is why we love living in our gorgeous valley. Saturday? Well, toward the end of Welk’s “God Bless America,” I smelled it. Then... — Updated 12/1/2016


Marshal South Writes Again

The enigmatic Marshal South is the controversial writer, poet, and artist who homesteaded on Ghost Mountain in Blair Valley. He and his wife Tanya raised three children on the waterless mountaintop during their experiment in... — Updated 12/1/2016


Spotting the Seven Sisters

One of the wonderful features of the nighttime sky is its timelessness. Want to see the stars as viewed by sky watchers of old? Simply step outdoors and look up. On December evenings, you can see a truly ancient constellation,... — Updated 12/1/2016


Buying Your First Telescope

Well, it's that time of year again. The holidays are barreling toward us like an out-of-control sleigh. If you're considering presenting that special stargazer in your life with a telescope this holiday season -- or buying one for... — Updated 11/23/2016


As the World Turns

We've all had those days when nothing seems to move. No matter where we are -- the highway, the line at the grocery store or the ATM machine -- everything is at a standstill. This happens much too frequently for my taste, so on day... — Updated 11/16/2016


Here Comes the Super Moon!

Imagine that you stopped at your favorite Italian restaurant and ordered a 14-inch pizza. Now, suppose they brought you a 16-inch pizza by mistake. Think you would notice the difference immediately? If so, would you call the... — Updated 11/9/2016


Count the Stars

How many stars are there in the universe? No one knows, of course, but Dr. Carl Sagan, on his popular 1980s television mini-series "Cosmos," said that there are "more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the... — Updated 11/2/2016


A Celestial Halloween

Ghosts and goblins and ghouls, oh, my! That's what many of us will be thinking this week and next as Halloween arrives and trick-or-treaters pound excitedly on our doors. We see costumes of monsters, superheroes, politicians and... — Updated 10/27/2016


Borrego's Little Haven

The Spa at Borrego Springs Resort held an open day Tues. Oct. 11, marking the start of Cindy Lainton's first winter season as manager. Food, bubbly and a raffle draw drew in the guests but it was the charm and professionalism of... — Updated 10/17/2016


ARIEL'S ATTIC At Julian Station

This is another in the series of businesses located in the Julian Station in Wynola, just west of Julian. Ariel's Attic (named for her Pug) is located inside the mini-mall, across from Cowboy Rendezvous. There you will find Ariel a... — Updated 10/14/2016


See the Dwarf Planet Ceres

It was on the first day of the 19th century that the Italian priest, mathematician and astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi found a strange object in the sky that no one had ever seen before -- an "intruder" among the familiar stars of the... — Updated 10/13/2016


Venus and the Moon Return

If you haven't yet checked out Venus glistening low in the southwestern sky at dusk, now would be a great time to do so. Many people might have missed seeing it there because of low-lying clouds or mountains blocking the view. But... — Updated 10/3/2016


Out and About in Borrego

The ocotillos are blooming early this year helped by the day of rain, with tourists already arriving to take a look. After taking a short break from USCAL San Diego, two friends, Jeremy and Candy, wanted to see Borrego and the Anza... — Updated 10/3/2016


Finding Aquatic Constellations

After the flooding that some of our nation experienced this summer, I almost hesitate to bring this up. But of the 88 constellations that fill our night sky, 15 are somehow associated with water. Of those 15, several shine in our... — Updated 9/23/2016


Winter Sky Sneak Preview

After a long, hot summer, it's nice to know that the seasons are changing and cooler temperatures are finally on their way. Before we know it, many of us will be whining about the cold and the snow, and wishing for the return of su... — Updated 9/20/2016


Shine on Harvest Moon

If you're looking to score some points with your sweetie, here's a great idea: Late on the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 15, or Friday, Sept. 16, pack a romantic picnic and a blanket and head toward a hilltop with a nice, clear view... — Updated 9/8/2016


The Sky is Falling!

Few sights are as thrilling as the fiery spectacle known as a falling star, also called a shooting star or meteor. Astronomers cannot predict exactly when or where a meteor will appear, but sky watchers head far from the city... — Updated 8/4/2016


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