Borrego Sun - Since 1949

By Jim Desmond
San Diego County District 5 Supervisor 

"Taking a Stand Against Human Trafficking"


Last updated 11/9/2023 at 1:57pm

I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates regarding our ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking. Last week, I co-hosted a human trafficking town hall alongside District Attorney Summer Stephan and local experts, raising awareness and educating our community about this issue.

The reality is San Diego County is among the top spots for human trafficking in the United States, and we all must know the signs to look for to protect our kids.

I was honored to have District Attorney Summer Stephan, Geanie Franco, Commander of the San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force, and Keelin Washington, a courageous human trafficking survivor, join us as key speakers. Together, they shared their expertise, experiences, and invaluable insights. We learned about the signs of human trafficking and who is most at risk in our community.

If you missed the event, I strongly encourage you to watch the video recording, which you can find here:

The information shared during the town hall highlighted the importance of education and collaboration in our fight against human trafficking. We are committed to ensuring that this effort continues. Recognizing the vital role education plays in prevention, I have introduced legislation to educate our students about the signs of human trafficking. This legislation is a significant step forward, as it equips kids and parents with the knowledge needed to protect themselves. By arming our students with information about the tactics used by traffickers, we empower them to make informed decisions and recognize when they or their peers may be in danger.

I want to encourage all members of our community to join us in this critical endeavor. Share the knowledge you gain from the town hall and the video with your friends and family. Awareness and collective action are essential in the fight against human trafficking. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and contribute to eradicating this grave injustice from our community.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to this cause.

Together, we can create a safer and more secure future for our children and all members of our community.

Jim Desmond

– San Diego County District 5 Supervisor