Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Honoring Our Veterans, Christmas Circle Ceremony


Last updated 12/7/2021 at 11:34am

A yearly tradition, our American Legion Post #853 paid its tribute to our veterans as they held a Veterans Day observance at Christmas Circle on Nov. 11, and kept with the "eleventh month, eleventh day, eleventh hour" tradition.

With the American Legion Post 853 and presentation of colors, Judy Taylor sang the National Anthem, followed by the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of America the Beautiful.

Legion Post Chaplain Larry Hofer led all in attendance at the observance in prayer, as well as acknowledged all who have served in their chosen branch of our military to proudly serve the country.

President of the American Legion Women's Auxiliary Marie Tarango thanked all for their attendance, and reiterated that the Legion serves all 365 days a year.

Larry Bowen followed and shared a poem by Andrea Brett from Branson, Missouri: "I Am A Veteran," on what it means to serve the country. "You may not know me the first time we meet. I'm just another you see on the street. But I am the reason you walk and breathe free. I am the reason for your liberty. I AM A VETERAN..."

Commander Lee Quarcelino was emcee for the day, and shared words of the continuing concern over PTSD-related afflictions by Veterans.

God Bless America was sung by Judy Taylor, and was followed with closing prayers by Chaplain Hofer.

The ceremony then ended with the traditional 21-gun salute, followed by Tim Kight on the bugle with the tradition of Taps.

We must remember that Nov. 11 is not just a "day off" but should be one of the many reminders to thank a veteran for their ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and our country.

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