Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Vehicle Stolen, Drugs Found


Last updated 2/4/2021 at 11:40am

Border Patrol agents seized a stolen vehicle and arrested a man with a warrant at the Highway 86 checkpoint on Jan. 16.

The incident happened around 9:04 p.m. when a man driving a white GMC Yukon along with a woman approached the checkpoint.

Border Patrol agents waived the driver to secondary inspection for a further investigation.

During secondary inspection, a canine alerted agents to the vehicle. Agents discovered a white crystal like substance and drug paraphernalia inside the center console, as well as a jar with a green leafy substance.

The driver claimed ownership of the suspected narcotics and paraphernalia. The woman claimed ownership of the green leafy substance, as well as admitted to having illegal narcotics stashed inside her boot.

The suspected narcotics found in the center console and boot tested positive for the characteristics of methamphetamine. The green leafy substance tested positive for the characteristics of marijuana.

Agents also determined the vehicle was reported stolen from Calexico.

Record checks revealed the driver had an active warrant for “Possession of Stolen Property” and “Vandalism” out of Kern County in Bakersfield. Agents arrested the duo and held them for further processing.

The total weight of the meth found in the console was 35.5 grams with an estimated value of $1,775. The meth found in the boot weighed 10.7 grams, with a value of $535. The marijuana weighed 3.4 grams with a value of $85.

Agents arrested the 26-year-old driver and 31-year-old woman.

El Centro Sector turned over the driver, a 26-year-old U.S. citizen and the vehicle to the Imperial County Sheriff’s Department. The woman, a 31-year-old U.S. citizen was booked and released for simple possession. The narcotics were seized by El Centro Sector for destruction.

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