"Where are you V.A.?"
Last updated 1/26/2021 at 12:20pm
Regarding the distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations, where is the Veterans Administration (V.A.) acting on this matter?
There are more than 4.2 million Veterans over the age of 75, many with age-related medical conditions, eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations in the U.S.
The V.A. is the largest health system in the U.S. They have major hospitals throughout the country. More importantly, they have numerous V.A. medical clinics in cities across the U.S. These clinics have the names and ages of eligible Veterans for the COVID-19 vaccination.
The vaccine could be administered to eligible Veterans without them sitting in their cars in line or in a parking lot waiting to be vaccinated.
I am a retired medical physician. I have served in Vietnam and in the Persian Gulf wars and feel the V.A. needs to step up and make this vaccination available to their eligible Veterans.
Roman Wandalowski
– Borrego Springs, California