Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Chamber News...


Last updated 4/3/2020 at 12:41pm

It’s been a while since you’ve heard from the Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce & Welcome Center, and that’s changing right here!

Speaking of change, you’ll see a lot of that happening at the Chamber, as the exterior has been painted, our sign will be getting a new look, landscaping will be worked on and watch for our new flag pole. Remember, we welcome visitors and represent our members and the community, so we want to put our best foot forward.

As for the inside, when funds are available, it will be refreshed as well, however, stop by and see how there is a little more order and a little less clutter; it’s a work in progress.

If you missed the Sundowner at Borrego Physical Therapy, you missed an evening of great music, food and comradery. By 5:30 p.m., the patio was packed as we all celebrated owner Kathy Johnson’s 20th year of her business, and 40th in the business. In March, the Sundowner will be at the Borrego Springs Resort and promises to be another fun evening with a few surprises. Remember, the event will be on Thursday March 19, (not Friday) so mark your calendar.

Volunteers, board and staff are the key to any chambers success, it’s not about one person nor should it be. With much appreciation to the Borrego Sun, you might have read there is a new Executive Director at the Chamber, and that would be me – Françoise Rhodes, however, it is because of Debbie Woollet my assistant executive director that has made all of this possible.

Please stop by the Chamber and say “Hello,” and if you’re not a member, please consider joining. There is excitement in the air and a lot of work to be done, so have a little patience as well.

I’m out of space but not words, so look for the next Chamber News and ‘Embrace Borrego!’

Françoise Rhodes

– Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce Executive Director