Borrego Sun - Since 1949

RoadRunner Donates Funds to Senior Center


Last updated 1/23/2020 at 1:05pm

The Annual RoadRunner Christmas Boutique at the clubhouse was in full swing Saturday morning Dec. 7, with shoppers evaluating and purchasing a wide variety of hand-crafted items.

"All of the Borrego merchants, vendors, the Wright family, and may more friends of Borrego raised and donated $886 to benefit the Senior Center," event co-organizer Veronica Przestalksi said, with $581 from the raffle and $325 from bids on an assortment of gift baskets.

There was also Mitzi Seibert, the ubiquitous presence at this and previous boutique events, once again parading around in her "money hat," a raffle item that, if won, would surely help with anyone's Christmas gift list.

The sorority Beta Sigma Phi also had the Borrego contingent of members at the bake sale table, with many fat- and cholesterol-filled goodies in lieu of a healthy breakfast. This was done in the distant hope of winning Seibert's money hat, which would more than make up for expenditures on baked extravagances purchased and immediately sampled upon exit from the event. De-lish!

Kudos to our fellow Borregans who see the financial needs of our Seniors and step up to contribute to the cause.