Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Borrego Springs - National Honor Society


Last updated 2/2/2016 at 3:49pm

In a gesture of true magnanimity, the one and only West Shores Senior Citizens Club is sponsoring a fundraiser for WSHS’s National Honor Society Chapter.

The fundraiser, a complete, home-cooked spaghetti dinner with salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage, will be held at the WSSCC Clubhouse on South Marina (also known as the Anza-Borrego Salton Seaway) just west of the clinic.

Please join us on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, from 5-7PM. The cost is US$7.00 for adults and US$5.00 for students with a West Shores ASB card; all proceeds go directly to the NHS.

Note: as a community, WE are honored to have a chapter of this celebrated national organization at our high school. In this, their first year, under the tutelage of wonder-teacher Katherine Chou, our NHS students are sponsoring a career and college fair (February 5, 2016 – hope you were there!) and they are publishing an on-line newspaper, totally student driven and produced. It’s very good.

Check the school’s website for a link. Yee-owser. This is really good stuff. So, please help us to help our kids by joining us for grub. Tickets are available through the school, Kathy Pickrell or me; they are also available at the door. Thanks.