Final Words from Our Mayors


Last updated 11/9/2023 at 2:08pm

Jim and Anne Wermers

Our reign ends soon.

We, your Honorary Mayors, Anne and Jim, want to express our thanks to each and every one of you. Thank you for all your kindnesses, past, present and future. We have been mayors for two full years now. Our first year started back during COVID restrictions. Wow, that seems like light years ago.

Being Mayors brings a unique set of challenges. Our official duty was to keep Borrego free of traffic signals. We also had the honor to attend and to speak at three Miss Borrego pageants. And of course, we attended all the Chamber Mixers (those not cancelled by COVID). Alas, no Borrego Days Parades to enjoy, but there are car shows to judge!

Very soon it will be time to Hail the New Chief! Borrego Days at Christmas Circle will reveal all. We have no clue who the new mayor will be. Being in the dark is fine. After all, we are a dark sky community.

An unforgettable honor as Mayors was traveling to Borrego's partner city Khovd, Mongolia. We travelled with a delegation totaling five Borregans. That was quite an experience! Representatives from Mongolia will be returning to visit Borrego Springs in November this year.

As we head off into the desert sunset, joining the fabulous group of former mayors, we look forward to seeing you around town.

To paraphrase the Beatles, The More You Say Good-Bye, We Say Hello!

Thank you all again. It has been an honor and privilege to represent Borrego Springs.

Anne and Jim Wermers

Honorary Mayors, Borrego Springs