By Marie Waldron
State Assemblymember, 75th District 

"Committee Assignments"


Last updated 2/2/2023 at 10:14am

Most business of the Legislature is conducted by committees. Committees have jurisdiction over specific policy areas, and usually have a Democratic chair and Republican vice chair. Most legislation must pass several committees before a final vote on the Assembly floor. This session, Assembly Speaker Rendon has appointed me to six standing committees.

Ensuring access to affordable healthcare, including covering pre-existing conditions, expanding mental health/substance use disorder treatments and children’s healthcare are important parts of my healthcare advocacy in Sacramento. I look forward to continuing to serve as Vice Chair of the Health Committee, with jurisdiction over legislation involving health insurance, public health care programs, mental health licensing and long-term health care facilities.

I’ll also be serving as Vice Chair of the Rules Committee, which has wide powers over rules governing the Assembly. The Committee’s legislative responsibilities are critical, since all bills being introduced are reviewed by Rules according to their subject matter, and then assigned to the appropriate committees. I will be serving as Vice Chair of the Committee on Emergency Management, which deals with emergency declarations, homeland security, earthquake mitigation, seismic safety, fire prevention, suppression and mutual aid programs. And I’ll be a member of the Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management, with members from both the Senate and Assembly, which has oversight authority over these same areas.

My additional committee assignments include the Banking and Finance and Local Government committees. Banking and Finance has jurisdiction over legislation involving financial institutions, real property and consumer finance, securities law, and more. As a member of the Local Government Committee, my experience as a city councilmember will be helpful when considering bills involving land use, housing, agency formation, charter cities, state mandates and other issues with major local impacts.

It’s shaping up to be a very busy year in Sacramento. I’m looking forward to a productive 2023 legislative session.