Take the WELCOME SIGN Survey
Last updated 11/10/2024 at 9:30am
From October 2023 – January 2024 the Borrego Village Association (BVA) organized a grass roots committee and surveyed Borrego Springs' residents, seasonal residents, and visitors to obtain input about what they would like to see in a welcome sign.
We need your input again. Instead of a "vote for your favorite" survey, the committee would like additional feedback from you on each design. The design elements are explained, followed by three questions about each design. At the end of the survey, please tell us your first and second choices. Also at the end of the survey is a chart showing how the designs met the criteria established by the first survey.
Use the QR code or follow this link to fill out the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DGXVVK6
If you have any questions, please contact us at: borregovillage@gmail.com