Borrego Sun - Since 1949

By Martha Deichler
Civic Foundation Secretary 

Borrego Springs Civic Foundation Celebrates 50 Years of Charitable Giving


Last updated 11/8/2024 at 8am

For the past 50 years, the Borrego Springs Civic Foundation has quietly and consistently assisted dozens of local organizations with needed funding for everything from high school athletic uniforms to Little League costs, Christmas Circle park maintenance, food banks and more. Donations, although rather modest in size, are delivered swiftly thereby enabling local organizations to take advantage of unanticipated opportunities, unexpected challenges or local high impact projects.

Once a month, a group of dedicated volunteers meets and reviews any grant requests, often with the grantee present to describe his/her proposal and to answer questions. Thoughtful decisions are made often within a week and checks delivered soon after. This type of quick response time is often not the case with major donors for whom long grant forms are the norm along with long wait times. The Civic Foundation takes great pride in supporting local projects that enhance the quality of life in the Borrego Community.

On October 31, the Civic Foundation provided all 173 elementary students with a plump pumpkin and all the fixings for a fun-filled decorating event that included parents and a lot of creativity and smiles. This is but one example of how the Civic Foundation supports families and students in the community. The Foundation has a long history of assisting local schools with funding for a multitude of projects that strengthen the role of schools in the community.

In addition to supplying festive pumpkins, the Civic Foundation supports high quality academic programs such as BASIC's (Basic Assistance to Students in the Community) Summer Learning Academy. This program offers 4 classes of 15 students each a summer enrichment and remedial program in math, reading and writing for struggling Borrego students. The results are measurable and amazing. The Civic Foundation is proud to be a part of such a successful and vital program.

The Civic Foundation has another important role in Borrego Springs and that is sponsoring "Old Borego History Preservation Day" on Sunday, November 10, 2024, 1-3PM. This event, held at the site of the original store and home in Borrego, is located at 1580 Rango Way. The public is invited to attend, tour the buildings, hear from old-timer Denny DuVall and best of all, listen to the 4th graders read their winning stories about the history of Borrego Springs!

None of the Foundation's charitable giving would be possible without the financial support from community members and supporters. Their annual fundraiser is simply a letter and return envelope you will receive in the mail in about a week. Any donation is appreciated, no matter how small. Every penny donated stays in Borrego and supports the fabric of this unique community. The Civic Foundation is a 501c3.

Donations may also be given online at

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." Coretta Scott King

Thank you in advance for helping make Borrego a great community.

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