Borrego Sun - Since 1949

The Little Town That Could...


Last updated 11/5/2024 at 8:30am

WHAT is a volunteer? A person who spends unpaid time doing something to benefit others. Giving that some thought, who better to recognize with the theme of the 58th Annual Borrego Days Desert Festival/ Parade than our hometown veterans? “Celebrating our Local Veterans” HONOR. RESPECT. FREEDOM.

My husband Rick and I wondered why the parade had not returned to the Annual Borrego Days Desert Festival, so we inquired at the Chamber of Commerce only to learn, it was for lack of volunteers and cost.

Spending most of our free time here in Borrego the past 16 years, we knew this town was not short of volunteers or generous people willing to donate their hard earned dollars for a worthwhile cause, so we volunteered to organize and manage this year’s parade with a call for volunteers in both the local Borrego Sun newspaper and Social Media. It was no surprise to us, Borregans showed up and signed up to help. With monthly Thursday night parade meetings the parade logistics started to take shape as the summer temperatures started to rise. The heat did not deter this dedicated group of volunteers as the months rolled on, the interest from participants came forward. Never underestimate the power of The Facebook 92004 group if you want to communicate with Borregans.

Having attended so many Borrego Days Parades in the past years, we always looked forward to the flyover to get the parade started. We were told organizing a flyover was not a good idea as past events were complicated with timing a flyover. That sounded like a challenge to us and we love to be challenged. After all, don’t our beloved veterans deserve a good WWII flyover/mini airshow, if the parade was in their honor? No flyover-not an option in our opinion.

So why are we interested in telling this story; first to encourage anyone considering volunteering their time and or resources to a good cause, but mostly to thank everyone who supported our vision of bringing back the parade for 2024. By volunteering to help organize and execute the parade and support the flyover with your generous monetary donations.

There are so many people to thank, we hope we do not miss any one.

So here we go; Jim and Anne Wermers, Ben and Donna Nourse, Phil and Tina Colegrove, Dan and Stephanie Mosel, Randy Sorric and Mary Cooper, Tim and Vicki O’Brien, Shino Salazar, Susan Percival, Steve Lamorie, Enrique Araujo, Marlan Bigler, Bob Scribner, Free Jee, Vincent Michel, Frank Padilla, Jr., Lee Chelgren, Dale Jones, Don Sandoval, Judy Sisson of J.E.S. Engraving for the trophies, Chad and Melissa Fore man for his video of the flyover/parade with his drone, Andrew Jarvis, Okie and Lisa McNatt, Andrew and Jim Kirkland, Benito Artiaga and Lorena Valdez of Kendall’s Café and Carlee’s for feeding law enforcement officers, Robin Young, who sang the National Anthem, John Young and Bill Moran-Audio, Charlie Steidtman and The Mall , Rick at the XL Station, Kathy Scheets, Mary Ann Lord and ABDNHA, Martha Deichler and The Resource Center, Julian 4th of July Foundation and finally to Christopher “Oz” of ShowBoss Productions for their professionalism, guidance and coordinating/timing of these awesome current military and veteran pilots.

A very special thank you to Mr. Lawrence Spring, WWII US Navy veteran at 98 1/2 years old, we thank you for being our Grand Marshall and we all thank you for your service to this country and to all our military men and women for keeping us safe.

God bless you all, God bless the United States of America and in closing, WELCOME HOME VETERANS!

Rick and Konki Jarvis

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