Borrego Sun - Since 1949

By Marie Waldron
State Assemblymember, 75th District 

"Positive Impacts"


Last updated 11/5/2024 at 9:25am

It's been my honor to serve the people of the 75th Assembly District for the past 12 years. With extensive agricultural areas, deserts and mountains, including all 18 of San Diego County's sovereign Indian tribal nations, we are one of the most diverse regions in California.

My legislation has been a reflection of the district's unique character. For example, much of this region is considered a high or very high fire hazard severity zone. During the Lilac Fire in December, 2017, the Rancho Monserate community in Fallbrook was devastated. Due to archaic state laws that didn't recognize common interest ownership, residents were being denied rebuilding loans and permits. I immediately introduced an urgency bill changing the law so the community could rebuild. It was signed into law by Governor Brown and went into effect immediately. More recently, I've been able to direct over $13 million to help fund local fire safety projects. This resulted in recent ground breakings for new fire stations in Fallbrook and Crest. A new station to replace the "temporary" Deer Springs station is on the way, and Valley Center Fire Protection District was able to buy a badly needed brush fire apparatus. Safety gear and fire apparatus, along with other equipment have also been funded for San Marcos Fire, Rincon Fire and elsewhere. And this session, Governor Newsom signed my bill to create Infrastructure Financing Districts for fire agencies and counties to access funding for capital improvement projects and heavy equipment to mitigate fire danger in high fire risk areas.

Two of my bills brought California into conformity with the federal Indian Child Welfare Act regarding placement of Indian children during custody disputes, And given the important cultural, economic and public safety contributions of local tribes, I authored a resolution recognizing California Native American Day. Last session, along with Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, I also introduced a bill allowing tribal governments to access water from nearby water districts.

In 2021 my legislation extended the deadline for the City of Escondido to access Prop 1E funding for the Lake Wohlford Dam Seismic Strengthening project to 2028. The new, seismically safe dam should be completed in 2027.

The Legislature serves all Californians, but I've always considered the people of the 75th Assembly District my first priority.

Marie Waldron

– State Assemblymember, 75th District