Parade Soars
The. Parade. Is. Back.
Last updated 10/22/2024 at 9:12am
What a parade, what a festival, Borrego Days, resounding success! A clear blue sky along the painted mountains and ideal temperatures provided the perfect setting for the 2024 58th Annual Borrego Days Desert Festival and Parade, kicking off the new season in Borrego Springs.
Once again, our well-deserved reputation remains as a community where volunteerism thrives. Under the leadership of Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Françoise Rhodes – many leaders headed up the all-volunteer force, including Parade organizations by Rick and Konki Jarvis, along with many adult and student volunteers, who have made sure that the highly anticipated Festival and Parade was put on this year and provide excitement and joy.
It was certainly a great weekend as many of those in attendance enjoyed all that there was to offer, having fun, sharing laughs and the outdoors in the heart of Borrego Springs on Oct. 19 and Oct. 20.
The talk of the town for the last few months was the return of the parade. Many expressed their concerns about it being "too good to be true." But through all the nitty gritty, it happened. And wow, was it worth the wait! Now residents and visitors alike hope the parade continues to become an annual event for Borrego Days. The parade has brought Borregans, businesses, and organizations together to showcase what they have to offer and to welcome all to the beginning of the season in our beautiful town of Borrego. Visitors from all over come here to enjoy the small town parade, bringing business to the town after what feels like a long summer. Many have commented how much they have missed our parade, even mentioning it being better than most. A few families noted to the Sun that they "hope the Parade continues in the years to come, as they enjoy all the floats and participants and can't imagine Borrego Days without the Parade!"
To note, an amazing job by Rick and Konki Jarvis for spearheading and taking the reins of responsibility to make sure the Parade went on this year. It is hoped next year's parade will top this one!
To open Borrego Days, a rendition of the National Anthem was beautifully sang once again by Robin Young. Then, all eyes were to the sky for the annual flyover, highlighted by four vintage bi-planes in bright colors – yellow, silver, blue, and white – in close formation low in the clear blue skies above.
Opening the parade were two San Diego County Sheriffs aboard their horses, waving to those lined up along Palm Canyon Drive, many of whom set their chairs and EZ ups as early as the night before. Some set up shop and hung out while eating their breakfasts at 5 a.m. All ready for the Parade with the best view.
Borrego Springs American Legion Post 853 color guard presented the flags with "The Beast" following suit, the Legion's 1944 Scout Car that was brought to life thanks to the hard work and efforts of Tito Molina and his crew at Tito's Auto Care.
Borrego Honorary Mayor Daniel Wright was a featured VIP in the parade, waving and greeting the crowd lined up all down Palm Canyon Drive, even stopping for a few photo ops.
Parade Grand Marshal Lawrence Spring, 98 1/2-year-old WWII US Navy Veteran waved from his VIP car.
Many of the parade entries followed the theme of this year's parade, "HONOR. RESPECT. FREEDOM," donning the wonderful colors of red, white and blue, while also being in the spirit of marching in the return of the parade.
Unfortunately for those closer to the circle, couldn't hear the announcements of who was coming down the parade route, but Konki Jarvis, positioned herself between Fredericks and BAI, reading out the information.
Our local non-profit organizations and businesses sure looked happy walking down Palm Canyon, embracing the cool weather and seeing all the happy faces of residents and visitors.
Various local school organizations from BASIC to ASES, the dance team and ballet folkorico and the high school football and volleyball teams all participated this year. Followed by fellow BSHS Alums riding smoothly with their golf carts decked out in red, white and blue.
The Victorian Rose Ladies Riding Society and the horses were a rage among many children.
The Borrego Performing Arts Center also did small performances in between the routes, while promoting their shows for the season.
Our newest Borrego Stat Care and their staff walked along, enjoying their first Borrego Days. Followed by a few new entries such as Functionality Fit for Life, Jilbertos and Calicos, while a contingent of golf carts sprinkled enthusiastic and cheering folks with squirt guns.
Then the lone high school marching band of Holtville made their way down. What a treat it was to see these young students once again.
Miss Borrego 2023 – 24, Angela Fregoso and her court, First and Second Princesses Jasmile Lopez and Elena Sanchez waved to the crowd, while being driven by Kathy King.
Followed by the newly-crowned 2024 – 25 Miss Borrego Abigail Gonzalez, her court and the other ladies who competed in the pageant. As well as Miss Julian and Miss Teen Julian made an appearance.
Then to end the Parade route, we had our ever-so appreciated CalFire and EMS close it out.
Following the parade, Borrego Days activities at the Circle were underway. At the Circle, many vendors – new and returnees – music by local favorites, the kids zone, adult beer garden and the "Shine and Show" car show, which were enjoyed by locals and visitors. The Show showcased many vintage and restored vehicles, including the classic, Henry the Truck.
There were a variety of food choices, many who were Borrego Days returnees, booths by programs that help the development of our students such as OLAX (Organizacion de Latinx), BASIC, and for those early Christmas shoppers, there were plenty of clothing items jewelry and artworks to choose. The Beer Garden was packed full on Saturday, but to the disdain of many on Sunday, were not able to fully enjoy it as it closed quite early.
During the announcements and awards presentations, all in attendance were welcomed to the Festival. Our newly-crowned Miss Borrego 2024 – 25 Abigail Gonzalez, First Princess Ailene Arias and Second Princess Melanie Valeria Urquidez introduced themselves to the crowd and shared a few words, as well as Honorary Mayor Daniel Wright gave a speech. The Community and Chamber awards presented this year on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce: The Mike Himmerich Dedicated Chamber Volunteer Award, Stuart & Bonnie Resor Community Service Award, as well as the Parade and Car Show Awards.
Many folks enjoyed what the Festival had to offer, and danced to Borrego Favorites "Soul Frenzi," Modern Country's Best PHT and the Honky Tonk Nights, as well as new comer, Pulp Vixen. And families gathered to watch the wonderful stylings of the Borrego Elementary After-School Dance team.
The all-volunteer force worked relentlessly to make sure this two-day event went along as planned and to have it become another success.
While it was another overall success, there were certainly a few specifics where it could use some tweaking for improvement for next year.
Great job to all those involved, volunteers and those who participated in Borrego Days! We'll see you all next year for yet another wonderful parade and festival. And maybe consider lending a hand to make it another successful season opener.