Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Hawkwatch Documentary

Put your eyes to the sky and your gaze on the silver screen!


Last updated 10/29/2024 at 8am

HAWKWATCH is a locally made documentary film that follows Biologist Hal Cohen (Borregos own Hawk Guy), and a group of citizen scientists during the spring migration of the Swainson's Hawk. The team strives to inspire a new generation of "Hawksters," but climate change, aging, business development, and Mother Nature create challenging obstacles that threaten it all. The film is scheduled to premiere at the Borrego Springs Film Festival January 2025. During the festival there will also be a free community panel discussion held at the library with cast and crew in attendance.

The Borrego Valley Hawkwatch is the only spring hawk watch in California, and it attempts the difficult task of tracking the Swainson's Hawks during their annual migration. The scientific reporting of data for Sawinson's hawks in Borrego dates back to the 1950's. This deep insight has increased knowledge about the raptors as well as our ecosystem.

HAWKWATCH has been in production since 2023. In addition to filming two full seasons of hawk migration in Borrego Springs, the cast and crew traveled to the "River of Raptors" in Veracruz Mexico, Antelope Valley, California, and just this September to Corpus Christi, Texas. The spectacle of this avian migration is captured on film. It showcases the intense beauty and natural awe that the local "hawksters" are attempting to help keep alive.

HAWKWATCH hopes to help people understand the perilous lives of raptors during their delicate journey, as well as a person's power to try and make a difference for our imperiled ecosystem.

Post production for the film is currently ongoing in Borrego Springs. The filmmakers invite and encourage you to follow along in the process. Visit the website to get the latest news, screening information, and how you can get involved with the HAWKWATCH to help make a difference.