Borrego Sun - Since 1949

From the Chamber: Let's Go!


Last updated 9/17/2024 at 9:21am

It seems like we’ve been gliding along but now I have to start urging everyone to get ready for the season. The Chamber is starting to get calls with all of the seasonal questions. Please don’t forget not only are we working on something you might need, but with over 150 members we are also working on matters for them as well.

Put your plans in motion for Borrego Days as the deadline to reserve a vendor space is September 30.

Press releases are going out and I’ve had confirmation from KPBS and AARP for calendar postings, this is just a small part of the media reach and ad buys purchased.

If you plan on being in the parade, get your applications over to Konki Jarvis.

The success of the Festival also depends on sponsorships which are much needed and tax deductible, and of course volunteers, we can’t do it without them!

Applications for everything are at the Chamber, vendor and sponsorship applications are also online at While at the Festival website checkout the entertainment, we have a great mix from local to an all ladies band – and our country band is back!

Here is the volunteer info:

The parade committee is in need of volunteers for all positions including lineup, behind the scenes, setup and more. The parade is Saturday Oct 19 from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. To help make the parade a success contact, Konki Jarvis at 714-348-5748 or

Send all parade entry applications to Konki as well at 536 E. El MIrador Drive, Fullerton, CA 92835 or drop off at the Chamber, we’ll make sure she gets them. Entry into the parade is FREE!

Festival volunteer coordinator is Joy McBride, 386-314-1247 (Joy prefers texts) there are positions open from beer garden to chamber booth, and grounds setup. If you can only volunteer for just two hours, we’ll take it!

You can always call the Chamber and leave your name, contact info and where you’d like to volunteer and we’ll make sure it gets to the right person.

The season is almost here!

To sign up for the free Chamber Weekly eblast, send an email to with the word eblast in the subject line, we’ll do the rest.

Françoise Rhodes, Executive Director

– Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce & Welcome Center

760-767-5555 #embraceborrego