Borrego Sun - Since 1949

RH Construction Update


Last updated 8/8/2024 at 8:02am

As of August 7, 2024:

Rams Hill Golf Club is in full-growth mode and doing exceptionally well. To support the development of the new TifTuf bermudagrass fairways and enrich the soil with essential nutrients, the maintenance team has begun top dressing the golf course.

What is Top Dressing?

This process includes adding a layer of nutrient rich sand to the newly planted turf which will then settle into the soil. The benefits of top dressing include a smoother playing surface, improved drainage, thatch control, and to promote lateral growth.

Additionally, each putting green planted last summer with Mini Verde bermudagrass has undergone aerification and top dressing. This operation is essential to healthy greens to allow air into the soil and roots. Each putting green gets compacted from foot traffic and it is important to allow the roots to breathe.

This week, Holes 4 and 8 received their first mow cycle. Next week, Holes 5, 9, and 10, the last to be planted, will also be mowed.

Rams Hill is just 58 days away from year-round golf! Start planning your Great Escape or sign up for notifications in order to secure preferred tee times.

From great to even better, beginning October 4.

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