By Jim Desmond
San Diego County District 5 Supervisor 

"Stopping Human Trafficking"


Last updated 7/22/2024 at 9:10am

San Diegans will soon see and hear a new County media campaign designed to raise public awareness about human trafficking. This educational campaign includes radio announcements, outdoor billboards, and digital media to inform children, youth, and their peers on how to protect themselves from exploitation.

This was part of an effort I led last year to educate our students about the signs of human trafficking. By arming our students with information about the tactics used by traffickers, we empower them to make informed decisions and recognize when they or their peers may be in danger.

The FBI reports that San Diego is one of the nation’s 13 hotspots for human trafficking. A recent study by two local universities estimates that there are thousands of victims of trafficking annually here in San Diego, and the average age of victims is 16 years old. Rarely is the victim kidnapped. Instead, human traffickers are far more likely to lure their young victims by developing a relationship with the youth, often via social media.

As County Supervisor, I am deeply concerned about the impact of human trafficking on our community. Predators target young girls and boys, subjecting them to a life of sexual exploitation through coercion and manipulation. These victims are thrust into an abyss of despair, their dreams and aspirations shattered and replaced with unimaginable suffering.

Law enforcement and prosecution efforts alone are not enough to stop these human rights violations. Prevention through education, especially at a young age, is the best defense against exploitation, particularly in this era of social media.

To report suspected child abuse or neglect, please call the Child Abuse Hotline at 858-560-2191, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also visit the County’s Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children webpage and the District Attorney’s Protect San Diego Kids webpage for additional resources.

Jim Desmond

– San Diego County District 5 Supervisor

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