By Pamela Korporaal
BSFF committee member 

Borrego Springs Film Festival Audience Lauded by Filmmakers


Last updated 2/15/2024 at 12:26pm

Borrego Springs Film Festival often speaks of the quality of the filmmakers and films they produce, but the filmmakers speak about the unique audience that BSFF provides for them. A short look at some of the comments from the filmmakers to the audiences of the film festival.

Toy Lei, "Moon", one of the Callo Award, Best Female Director says that one of the best parts of BSFF is:

"The venue is filled – every screening is filled, the town comes out and sees the movies and they ask really insightful intelligent questions so it's a real screening not just you and your people and nine other filmmakers"

Bob Celli, who has had three films in the festival over multiple years, "Smart, savvy audiences will engage you during Q&A's as well as approaching you in and around town to discuss your work." Bob Celli, "My Over There", "Brooklyn in July" and "The Keeper"

"Borrego Springs has a very unique community who adore filmmakers. They made us all feel right at home." Jessica Sherr, "Wicked Image"

"The local community shows up to watch the films, to take part in panels, and to support the filmmakers in attendance." MJ Alhabeeb Jr., "Plight"

"The locals were so engaged and everyone was so excited. Borrego Springs is a small town with a big personality! " Kelsey Edwards, "Box Boy"

Some additional comments from previous years: "engaged audiences who participated and asked so many great questions during the Q&A" Michael Charron, "Looking Back"

"Audience members were so engaged and welcoming". Maureen Giblin, "Remembering Kochendorf"

"The audiences here are savvy and highly appreciative of films!" Dale Griffiths Stamos, "The Dinner Guest"

Let's congratulate Borrego Film Festival's AUDIENCE for being worthy of an Oscar or a Golden Cookie Award!