"Wonderful Art Show Article"


Last updated 11/9/2023 at 2:45pm

In the article regarding the opening Flora and Fauna show at the BAI, Ms. (Sally) Walsh, again, was dismayed by the weak and mediocre art she saw surrounding the “excellent extremely talented artists” work. As one of the weak and mediocre artists in the show, I would like to make an observation.

The BAI gallery is a community space that encourages participation from everyone. Personally, I am a retired teacher who finally has more time to create. No matter what media tugs on me to work with, painting, fiber art or printmaking, I know that, at some time in the season, there will be a space on the wall at the BAI for my work. Although some shows during the year showcase artists from other parts of the country, the Plein Air Invitational in March being the most recognizable, most of the Borrego “art scene” is homegrown. This is what many visitors to the BAI and our other community galleries seem to appreciate. I know this by talking to them during their visits to Borrego. Some people really love (and purchase) some of the pieces that you may have been disappointed in.

I used to teach my art students that not everyone is going to appreciate your work and that they shouldn’t judge themselves on the say so of a few critics (which usually includes themselves in most cases.) For every expression of creative thought, there will be someone with whom the piece will resonate. No one can predict who that person will be and when they will show up. And unless you take the risk of showing your work in public, you will never know.

Lastly, if you’d to know about the artists themselves, there are neat, alphabetized binders by the front door of the BAI. Sometimes having written biographies on the wall distracts from the thoughtful arrangements of the work by the curators.

Please accept my thanks for the support of the artists you did like and wrote about in the article. Positive feedback is always appreciated all around.

Heidi Madden

– Borrego Springs, California