Jimmy's "Outrageous Front Porch Revue" Coming Around the Bend


Last updated 2/14/2023 at 12:49pm

That’s right, the “Front Porch Revue” is back in the works. All your favorite local musician performers are already practicing for the seventh annual musical show. And we have some new folks who will play and sing for Borrego for the first time. You will hear husband and wife Jamie and Amy Madden perform two new tunes while playing their homemade ukuleles. Jamie and Amy moved to Borrego a couple of years ago from Louisiana where they performed all over the place. When they found out about the FPR, they were in.

We are also recruiting young talent from the Borrego schools. You will remember Lillie Sotelo who will reprise two songs from the play “Annie”. Elizabeth Hernandez from Borrego Springs Junior High will be making her first appearance. Wait until you see her! Of course, the stalwarts like Jim and Linda Roller, Alan Tulving. Jack Sims, Beth Hart, Elizabeth Renner, Jimmy Smith, John Jelinek, Lynette Salton and the “Desert Divas”, Dr. Bob on drums, Robin Young and many others will be performing all new material, as well as a few requests by popular demand.

As anyone might remember, the FPR is designed to be real informal and fun as if everybody was coming over to somebody’s house on Sunday after church in their overalls to show off what they have been secretly practicing. Everyone gets to do it like they want to – it’s their song. It’s a ball, it’s a lot of fun and we will see you at the Performing Arts Center on Friday and Saturday March 17 and 18 at 7 p.m. and Sunday March 19 at 3 p.m. Purchase tickets at http://www.bspac.org and click on “Calendar and Tickets”.