To Our Valued Subscribers and Advertisers...
Last updated 1/17/2023 at 12:16pm
Thank you so much for supporting our small town newspaper, the Borrego Sun.
Although we have tried our best to keep the expenses low, our operating costs have significantly increased due to the rapid changes in the economy over the last few years. After careful consideration, we have made the tough decision to implement a price increase to our newspaper. We will be implementing a price increase to our subscriptions to $45. Also due to the recent change of mailing companies, we have eliminated our First Class Subscriptions. Single issue copies in the stands at this time will remain $1, but will be updated to $1.50 later this year.
This change will be effective January 1, 2023. Our website will also reflect the new prices. At this time, our website remains free to all subscribers/non-subscribers. If/when that changes, we will let you know as soon as possible. (This notice will also be sent along with invoices).
We will also implement a new policy, in which, if payment for your subscription is not made within one month of receipt of your invoice, we will stop your subscription. (i.e. – Invoice received for January, you will have until mid/end of February to send payment.) If your subscription is stopped, in order to restore your subscription, a $5 additional fee will be applied on top of the renewal. This will help us keep track of an accurate number of subscribers and reduce unnecessary mailing/printing costs.
In terms of advertising, again, due to the rising costs of producing a high-quality newspaper – from printing, postage, delivery and labor – our advertising prices will also increase. This was another tough decision to make, but with the increase of many things in our economy, this was the wise choice to make.

This change will be effective February 1, 2023, beginning with the February 2 issue of the Borrego Sun. At this time, we are not offering advertising on our website. However, we are working on making this an option with our online team, and hope to provide this option later this year.
This increase will also affect the advertisers with current contracts. (This note, along with other terms, have been emailed to current advertisers.) An updated advertising price sheet will be featured in the January 19, 2023 issue.
We greatly appreciate your business, and look forward to providing top notch news in the years to come. We hope that this price increase will help us to introduce new features and serve you better. Thank you for your continuous support!
The Borrego Sun