Chamber Holiday Cheer Contest


Last updated 12/20/2022 at 11:47am

It’s time to decorate!! The BSCC Holiday Decorating Contest is on. The community along with our Holiday Chamber Cheer Team will be the judges. Who has the best overall decorations?

*Prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd Place Commercial Businesses and 1st Place Residential.

*Valid votes for businesses must include business name and for residential, physical address.

*Voting ends 5 p.m. 12/20 – winners will be announced at the Farmers Market on 12/23.

*Submit your vote to or call the Chamber at 760-767-5555.

We are looking for part-time volunteers to help out from January to May in case a regular team member has a last minute schedule change. This would be only when needed and only if you are available. For more details please email

Reminder – 2023 Borrego Days parade – A committee of 8-10 people that will begin with the entry process and finish once the parade is over and the streets are cleared and cleaned must be in place by May 31. Once a committee is in place we can discuss the process.

The holiday season is here; let’s make it a great one!

To sign up for the free Chamber Weekly eblast sent every Wednesday and available for everyone, send an email to with the word eblast in the subject line, we’ll do the rest.

Françoise Rhodes

– Executive Director Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce & Welcome Center
