Sex Offender Arrested


Last updated 12/15/2020 at 11:58am

El Centro Sector agents arrested a sex offender after illegally entering the United States on Dec. 7.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said agents saw the man entering 29 miles west of the Calexico Port of Entry. The agents arrested him and took him the nearest rally point for processing.

After checking his records, it showed that the man, 31, was undocumented from Mexico, convicted on three separate occasions for sexual offenses. CBP said the crimes happened in Pomona.

He served a year and a half in prison for his crimes. The man was removed from the U.S. in 2011.

In the fiscal year 2021, which began Oct. 1, El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested and/or removed six individuals either convicted or wanted on sexual offense charges.