"American Legion Steak Night"


Last updated 8/3/2020 at 1:04pm

The American Legion Riders Post 853 would like to thank the Borrego Springs community for their attendance at our monthly BBQ Steak Nights.

We had a successful season in spite of the difficult times, though regretfully, we had to end our season early. Still, with your help, we were able to make the following donations:

Veteran's Village – $1,500

Borrego Senior Center – $500

Borrego Ministries – $500

Paid postage donation to send Veteran's gifts – $200

Wounded Warriors Foundation – $800

BSUSD Dream Club – $250

The Borrego Springs American Legion Riders are a dedicated group of volunteers working to make a difference in Borrego Springs and San Diego County. We raise money for veteran and local community organizations.

I personally want to thank all the volunteers and the community who came out for each steak night to make these donations possible. While we are in uncertain times and our Steak Nights might look different in the future, we will have our new direction in time to start back up in September. The ALR is looking forward to another successful season. See you at the Legion.

Mike Kitten, ALR Treasurer

– Borrego Springs, California